Thursday, October 6, 2011

Time Out Cowl

                                                        Like I could really resist this picture of queen and princess cowls.

I have discovered my life's true calling! I was meant to crochet and ignore the rest of my mother & wifely duties.  I've had to buy a couple extra boxes of corn dogs this month since I've been hooking away.  I have long wanted to crochet, tried a few times, but it was my blog crush Rachel at Maybe Matilda that worked her magic and this time it stuck like white on rice.  She hosted a Crochet A Long teaching those of us who WERE crochet-impaired as well as guiding us through the Time Out Cowl pattern.  She was so patient and never rolled her eyes at us even once (ha! but, nobody knows how many times I went through her blog and youtube practicing, fixing mistakes, pulling out my work. Heck my ipad rolled its eyes at me a few times.  There's an app for that...) I made myself an ivory chunky cowl and followed the length of the pattern which was a little long so it turned out kinda sorta like a neck brace.  Nevertheless, *insert trumpets and drumroll*... I. DID. IT. Hallelujah.  Also, my neck will neither be cold nor stiff this winter.

Once my gal pals caught wind of my new super skill, I was asked to whip up cowls for their daughters to match my little Elle's pink sparkly cowl she so assertively suggested I make her after seeing mine.  I'm just grateful for easy projects to do that will help me bring my crochet skills up from awkward beginner to half decent.

Crocheting is such a lovely hobby to be helplessly addicted to.  I can take it anywhere and it certainly helps pass the time waiting at the doctor's office or the soccer fields I'm forever at.  I absolutely cannot wait until the next Maybe Matilda CAL... hint, hint!  For now, head on over to Maybe Matilda, peruse around, and vote for your favorite cowl. So many cute ones!


  1. Hint taken! I'm already excited to do another crochet along! And girl, I'm with you on the life's calling . . . housework? Parenting? Boo! Let's crochet instead! :-) Your cowl turned out beautifully, and I love that you made one for your daughter, too--so cute! Great job, and thanks so much for joining in!

  2. How cute! Way to go! And I love your writing style :)

  3. Great suggestion -- another crochet along. Personally I want to learn Tunisian crochet (afghan stitch). I've tried on my own and just can't get it!

    Your mother/daughter cowls are FANTASTIC. And you're totally right about crocheting being portable. I've tried beading on a easy. But crochet? Now that's the best!
